Situated in the Nation’s Capital region, the Japan-America Society of Washington DC is impeccably placed to present and host policy events focused on various aspects of the US-Japan relationship.  Click on the links below to learn more about our major policy events throughout the year.

JUMP Event: National War College

Each year JASWDC holds a Japan-US Military Program (JUMP) panel discussion at the National War College, inviting experts on the US-Japan relationship to share their views on a diverse range of topics and issues.

Now in our 5th year, the JUMP event stands in contrast to many of the Society’s Signature events and language & cultural programming. Through this event, we have the opportunity to interact with an audience separate to our regular membership – one comprised primarily of National War College students and Military affiliated individuals. As interest and attendance continues to grow, this event is something that we look forward to with growing anticipation each year.

Japan in the Year

Japan in the Year is an all-day symposium held in January each year that gathers the top experts on Japan from think tanks, academia, the government, the press and the business and non-profit sectors to look at Japan’s domestic and international prospects for the coming year.

Other minor programs and seminars focused on US-Japan Policy are held on an ad hoc basis throughout the year. Visit our Upcoming Events page to learn more.